This video was recorded at the 2016 Force for Good Series Class Seven at Tibet House US.
From the Force For Good Series Event description:
“A continuation of our course to further H. H. the Dalai Lama’s contemporary world initiatives, from His Holiness’ American Institute of Buddhist Studies and Mind and Life science dialogues (Universe in a Single Atom) and His creation of Abhidharma 2.0 through the “Science for Monks” programs, his “secular ethics” (Ethics for the New Millennium and Beyond Religion), His nonviolent approach to conflict resolution, including His Nobel Peace Laureate activities to seek dialogue and a win-win reconciliation with China in the face of the ongoing ethnicidal policies in Tibet (Freedom in Exile and Man of Peace: The Illustrated Life Story), along with his emphasis on positive activism (A New Reality: Charter of Universal Responsibility), and finally, His opening up the study of the esoteric Tantras through his 34 Kalachakra Grand Initiations (The Kalachakra Initiation, Tantra in Tibet, and other such works). The “root text” for this fall will be Dr. Bo Jiang’s translation of Bodhisattva Maitreya’s Sublime Continuum, with commentary and supercommentary, along with selections from various other works in English translation, as well as passages from works of His Holiness.”