Dear Friends,
We are thrilled to announce that together we have met the challenge to raise $250,000 for our matching grant campaign, The Tibet House Pandemic-Survival Matching Grant Challenge, started auspiciously on July 6th, H.H. the Dalai Lama’s 85th birthday. Thank you!
What an incredible show of support in this time of deep uncertainty when we all are facing tremendous challenges on so many levels. We are so very humbled, uplifted, encouraged by, and grateful for your generosity. Regardless of the size of your gift, every penny has helped us survive this catastrophic pandemic with our facilities mostly shuttered and our staff mostly furloughed. We are cautiously optimistic that we can begin to slowly and gradually open up parts of the organization and our facilities in the coming months, conditions permitting.
Tibet House US
Regardless, we have some incredible offerings in store starting with:
• Extraordinary six-day summit, The Dalai Lama Global Vision Summit, in partnership with Lions Roar from October 22 – 27. This free online event will be broadcast over six days, featuring leading presenters such as Robert Thurman, Sharon Salzberg, Richard Gere, Jan Willis, Karenna Gore, Bhikshuni Thubten Chodron, Ven. Tenzin Priyadarshi, Deepak Chopra, Tenzin Geyche Tethong, Mark Epstein and many others. REGISTER HERE;
• The Tibet House US Annual Benefit Concert will be live-streamed on February 17, 2021, (details TBA);
• Continued Tibet House/Menla online programs;
• Reopening our public space in New York City soon, with exhibitions, meditations, shrine room visits, and some hybrid programming; and
• Menla, our Tibetan – themed Healing Spa Retreat and Resort is open under current covid safety requirements, with hybrid programs and retreats, as well as longer – term stays. personal getaways and longer-term stays for individuals and small groups of family or friends. We offer Tibetan, Eastern, and Western spa treatments and a variety of learning and leisure activities including yoga, meditation, hiking, and skiing on the local slopes, with Tibet House US/Menla members’ getaway visits receiving special discounts from Nov 15 to March 1.
We hope to see you soon. Please stay safe and healthy.
With folded hands and our deepest gratitude.
Bob and Nena