Loch Kelly, MDiv., LCSW, is a graduate of Columbia University and Union Theological Seminary, where he was awarded a fellowship to study Buddhist meditation in Sri Lanka from 1981-2 in both the monasteries and at the University in Kandy. He has also studied the non-dual traditions of Dzogchen with Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche in Nepal and Advaita in India. Loch spent 10 years establishing homeless shelters and community lunch programs and worked in outpatient mental health in Brooklyn, New York. He has also served as the Coordinator of Counseling as well as Interfaith Chaplain for Union Theological Seminary. In addition to having practiced as a non-dual psychotherapist, Loch served on the New York Insight Teachers Council and was invited to teach meditation by Mingyur Rinpoche. Having been asked by Adyashanti in 2004 to share the Dharma and teach the direct path to recognizing our true nature, Loch now offers Evenings of Inquiry and Retreats and gives pointing-out instruction. Loch currently resides in New York City.
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