The Tara Tantra: Tara’s Fundamental Ritual Text (Tara-mula-kalpa)
A groundbreaking English translation of a key tantric text in the history of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. This volume contains an English translation of the “root text”
A groundbreaking English translation of a key tantric text in the history of Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. This volume contains an English translation of the “root text”
The Extremely Brilliant Lamp (Shin tu gsal ba’I sgorn me) is Tsong Khapa’s most important commentary on the perfection stage practices of the Esoteric Community,
The Universal Vehicle Discourse Literature (Mahayanasutralamkara) was transmitted from the bodhisattva Maitreyanatha to Arya Asanga, the fourth-century Indian Buddhist scholar-adept. The most foundational of the
A fascinating scholarly monograph on the famous Buddhist icon of the Wheel of Existence. Ms. Dunnington skillfully shows how the Wheel depicts the suffering of